


Russia, CIS 1,50% of the transfer amount

Money transfers by individuals through the “Asia Express” system from Russia to Uzbekistan are allowed only between individuals for non-trade operations. Receipt of funds transferred via “Asia Express” system is free of charge
Money transfer from Russia to Uzbekistan Fee for sending a transfer
One-time transfer 1.5% of the amount, not less than $1 USD
within one month $10000 USD
Money transfer from Uzbekistan to Russia Fee for sending a transfer
One-time transfer 1.5% of the amount, not less than $1 USD
Receipt of transfer from Russia to Uzbekistan Fee for receiving the transfer
One-time transfer not charged -0
within one month not charged -0

**The transfer can be received in US dollars, as well as in Uzbek sums at the exchange rate on the day of the transaction at all JSC “InfinBank” offices


How to use a screen reader

Firstly, enable a screen reader mode. Then highlight necessary text and click on the emerging icon.
* The screen reader isn't compatible with Windows Vista and other older versions of Windows.